blancaneaux-lodge / Activities

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Chiquibul Night Expedition

Departing the property before sunset, arriving at the Chiquibul Forest you can hike to an amazing birding tower. Here one can enjoy a panoramic view of the thick luscious rainforest. This is the perfect time as it is a relaxing experience to watch the sunset as different species of birds make their way back to their nests. As darkness covers the rainforest, the predators start to roam their kingdom in search of prey. As most of Belize’s large mammals are nocturnal, this is your best chance to actually see them in their natural habitat. Driving from the pine forest to the rainforest at a slow and quiet pace, we stealthily search the forest for gibnut, armadillos, peccaries and other wildlife. Although seldom seen, the elusive jaguar leaves enough tracks behind for us to understand that this is his realm. Keep an open eye for our national animal the Tapir, who forages on trail-side vegetation. After a couple hours silently exploring the jungle, we have a snack by the creek under the forest canopy. On our way back, we keep vigilant for signs of a white tailed deer or the arboreal Mexican porcupine. As we slowly drive back to the lodge, there is time to marvel at the magnificent clarity of the night sky.


Departs: 3.30pm
Returns: 8:00 pm
Total travel time: 3.5 hours with couple stops
Level of Difficulty: Moderate

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